The Clinic Cares

The Clinic is a strong believer in giving back to the community. Over the past few years, the Clinic has been recognized for its continued support of the National MS Society. Through the annual Clinic Charity Golf Tournament and the Walk MS, the Clinic has raised nearly $300,000 for the National MS Society in the state of Colorado since 2010. Additionally, the Clinic is an active participant and supporter of Colorado’s Pride Fest, an annual celebration.

“The Clinic Colorado has been a great supporter of the National MS Society over the past few years. Through their annual golf tournament and Walk MS team, they have raised almost $40,000 for the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the National MS Society. Those funds have been used to help people in Colorado living with MS remain independent as well as fund critical research. The Clinic Colorado is passionate about finding a cure for MS and the National MS Society is thankful for their continued support of our shared mission.” -Kaylin Daniels, National MS Society - Colorado Wyoming Chapter

“Walking for a great cause like MS with such a fun group of kind, caring people is such a wonderful feeling. I love the fact that the Clinic cares so much about the community and devotes so much time and energy to helping others. They are truly a compassionate company that proves why they are in the forefront of the MMJ industry.” -Tom, Grower

“Nothing good happens at 5 am. Unless you’re watching the sun come up over Denver on the City Park Golf Course about to raise thousands of dollars for the MS Society. Getting there was tough, but staying was no problem as patients, friends and industry peers began filing in for what was to be one of the most successful fundraisers the Clinic has sponsored. Rows of golf carts were plentiful and only matched by the endless gift bags filled with goodies from business partners in the industry and our community. The skies turned a bit cloudy for a minute, but that might have been a localized event due to the Clinic taking over the 18 for the day along with G Pen and WeedMaps. Everyone had a blast and finished the event by stuffing faces with amazing food and spending time watching the scores of golfers and volunteers get ready to nap before continuing the fundraising party at the Funky Buddha. As with most Clinic events fun was the spirit of the day. But we did some good, too.” -John, Colfax Assistant Manager

“My step mom has MS and it’s unbelievable to see how much we raise each year for the MS Society. Every year improves on the last, and the coming year will be the best yet. The MS Society is one of the most respected charitable groups in the world and this year I was proud to be a part of the Charity Classic. Bringing not only the company together but also our friends from around the growing community of medical marijuana supporters and patients.” -Colin, Colorado Manager

“Working for a company who makes a consistent effort to give back to the community is something I take great pride in. Far too often businesses focus on operations, expansion and the bottom line, but contributing to non-profits like the MS Society is something that separates The Clinic from other business out there, regardless of industry.” -Rick, District Manager