Beyond The Patient: Kelly H. from Colorado Blvd.

by | May 4, 2019 | Patient Feature

It’s been wonderful to see how cannabis has helped them over the years. Whether you’re hesitant about using marijuana instead of your prescriptions (please consult your doctor or a licensed professional before going off of anything prescribed to you) or if you’re experiencing similar ailments of your own, this monthly patient feature will help you gain perspective on those utilizing medical cannabis.


“I had the pleasure of meeting Kelly a couple of weeks after I started with The Clinic. She has a personality that brings on a conversation. I haven’t met anyone who has experienced such life-changing events that changed Kelly’s life as she knew it. However, Kelly has such perseverance, she has embraced her situation and excelled,” said store manager Doug E.

Kelly H. has been a medical patient since the legalization of Medical Cannabis in 2010 and a Member with The Clinic for two years. She suffers from pain from multiple injuries due to a horrific car accident and a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis shortly after.


How has having a medical card benefitted you?

KH:Being on a fixed income, it is a huge help to not have to pay the recreational taxes. Having a medical card has also really helped to validate my experience of using cannabis to help with my pain. Medical Cannabis may have even helped to save my life, as it has helped me to eliminate as many pharmaceuticals as I can for my pain management.


What keeps you coming back to The Clinic?

KH:The knowledge from the very kind, caring and compassionate staff. I never feel pressured when I come into The Clinic, instead I feel like staff provides me with great information to help me make informed decisions. Every location I have been to is very welcoming, and I always enjoy my experience from the time I walk in to the time I leave.

I would also like to mention that The Clinic is the only dispensary that has a presence at the MS Awareness event, Walk-MS. This is a cause that is very important to me and I knew right away when I saw them there that The Clinic would be my go-to dispensary.


What did you do before cannabis was legal for your pain?

KH: Before cannabis was legal I really struggled because my experience with pain was so controlled by doctors, pharmacists, etc. Now, with the help of legal medical marijuana, I can take control of my own pain management, and I feel totally comfortable with The Clinic’s helpful suggestions and guidance that they always provide.


How has your illness and using THC/CBD affected your professional life?

KH: Unfortunately, I am disabled and unable to work. But I feel I have a new job in life, and that is finding my new normal. I work hard and collaborate with local and national organizations who help me to continue to grow and make progress in my life every day. My life is full of appointments, therapies, groups, and procedures, but I am grateful for all the help and support I get from professionals and, of course, from the staff at The Clinic.


What products have you found that work best for you?

KH: I like to use a strong Sativa for the morning and a heavy Indica with high CBD content for my pain and to help with sleep. The strains I buy from The Clinic have proven to work wonders for my anxiety and depression.

“We have talked about how Medical marijuana has allowed to discontinue several prescription medications and improve her life. Weather Kelly is in the store picking her favorite remedy, or stopping by to hand out hugs and high fives, she always has a huge smile and amazing energy. As Kelly would tell me she is ‘taking control of her own pain management, no one else’,” said Colorado Blvd. Manager Doug Ewer.


If you happen to be shopping when Kelly is in, she’s probably purchasing Pre-98 Bubba Kush and Crazy Glue. Sometimes a Pax Era pod as they are an absolute favorite. On behalf of everyone at The Clinic, we thank you, Kelly, for sharing your story.

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